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Things to do in Vergina & Pella!


Vergina & Pella

Pella, which is a region located in Central Macedonia, in Greece, was actually, in the past, the capital of ancient Macedonia and the birthplace of Alexander the Great.

Vergina, on the other hand, is a small town located south of Pella, one hour drive and it's well-known as the site of ancient Aigai.

Below there are some things a guest can do in Pella and Vergina!

Guests can try visiting the museum of the Royal Tombs at Aige, which is located in Vergina, and admire the ancient Royal Tombs that were built by the Kingdom of Macedon. Not only will they have the chance to view these ancient tombs but, they will also see many exhibits in display, that are archaeological excavations from the 1800s till today. 

Entrance to the Royal Tombs Vergina panoramio

''Museum of the Royal Tombs at Aige'', Vergina Greece

Along with the Museum of the Royal Tombs at Aige, visitors can't miss going to the Aigai Theater. This archaeological site is near the museum, mentioned above, and is quite interesting for those who are into history and mostly ancient places, like this.


''Aigai Theater'', Vergina Greece

At this museum, people can see the excavations that are being held, for so many years  which, all of them, are from the old Macedonian capital. Some of these findings are from the daily life of people back in time, while others are statues, clay pots etc. 

archaeological museum

''Archaeological Museum of Pella'', Pella Greece

Combined with the Archaeological Museum of Pella, the Archaeological Site of the area is a great way, for a guest, to view how the ancient agora and, in general, how life was for people back then.


''Archaeological Site of Pella'', Pella Greece

For the religious ones, the Byzantine Museum of Veroia is an ideal choice to view exhibits such as burial finds, marble inscriptions, mosaics, murals of churches etc. Also for those who are into history, the museum's exhibits also consists of pottery, old rare coins and, in general, things from the past that represent the history of the city.

The Byzantine Museum in Ber

''Byzantine Museum of Veroia'', Veroia Greece

If the guests want to rest, there's a big park in Veroia, called ''Elia Park'' where they can have a meal at a local restaurant and taste the local food, or take a walk and breathe the fresh air of the nature around them. 

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''Elia Park'', Veroia Greece

To sum up, these are some things for a visitor to try when exploring the regions of Pella and Vergina!