Chalkidiki, which is located in northern Greece, is a peninsula that every summer attracts many visitors from all around the world to enjoy the beaches of it!
Below there are some fun facts about Chalkidiki!
- Chalkidiki is seperated in three small peninsulas which are: Kassandra, Sithonia, Athos
''Kassandra'', Chalkidiki Greece
''Sithonia'', Chalkidiki Greece
''Athos'', Chalkidiki Greece
- Chalkidiki's history dates back to the 8th century BC when cities were founded there such as Toroni, Skioni and Mende. These cities still exist!
''Toroni'', Chalkidiki Greece
''Skioni'', Chalkidiki Greece
''Mende'', Chalkidiki Greece
- Chalkidiki was once part of: Macedonia, Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire, Ottomans Empire
- Chalkidiki has many mountains, ideal for hiking, such as Cholomontas, Athos, Itamos, Kakavos etc.
''Cholomontas Mountain'', Chalkidiki Greece
''Athos Mountain'', Chalkidiki Greece
''Itamos Mountain'', Chalkidiki Greece
''Kakavos Mountain'', Chalkidiki Greece
- Chalkidiki consists of four seas: Singitic gulf (Siggitikos), Toronean gulf (Toroneos), Strymonian gulf (Strimonikos), Thermaic gulf (Thermaikos)
''Siggitikos'', Chalkidiki Greece
''Toroneos'', Chalkidiki Greece
''Strymonikos'', Chalkidiki Greece
''Thermaikos'', Chalkidiki Greece
- Chalkidiki has the longest coastline in Greece which is more than 550km!
Coastline of Chalkidiki, Greece
- The locals', of Chalkidiki, main activities are tourism, farming, fishing etc.
Tourism in Chalkidiki, Greece
Farming in Chalkidiki, Greece
Fishing in Chalkidiki, Greece
- The main local products of Chalkidiki are: honey, wine, olive oil, tsipouro, dairy products
Honey of Chalkidiki, Greece
Vineyard in Chalkidiki, Greece
Olive oil, Chalkidiki Greece
Dairy Products, Chalkidiki Greece
- Chalkidiki is full of churches, ideal for the religious ones, such as: Church of Saint Demetrius in Afytos, Church of Saint Nikitas in Nikiti, Church of Saint Nikolaos in Nea Skioni, Church of Saint Stefanos in Arnea etc.
''Church of Saint Demetrius, Afytos Chalkidiki''
''Church of Saint Nikitas, Nikiti Chalkidiki''
''Church of Saint Nikolaos, Nea Skioni Chalkidiki''
''Church of Saint Stefanos, Arnea Chalkidiki''
- And not forget Holy Mount Athos or ''Agio Oros'' , which is a Monastic mount consisting of 20 monasteries, monastic cells and many other houses. It is located in the Athos peninsula and it attracts religious visitors from all around the world.
''Holy Mount Athos, ''Agio Oros'', Chalkidiki Greece''
- Chalkidiki is also full of museums, where history lovers don't miss a visit. Some examples of these museums are: Anthropological Museum in Petralona, Historical Museum of Arnea, Archaeological Museum of Poligiros, Folklore Museum of Afitos.
''Anthropological Museum in Petralona, Chalkidiki Greece''
''Historical Museum of Arnea, Chalkidiki Greece''
''Archaeological Museum of Poligiros, Chalkidiki Greece''
''Folklore museum, Afitos Chalkidiki Greece''
- Last but not least, Chalkidiki is one of the few places on earth where it has received, for most of its beaches, Blue Flags. Blue Flag Beaches are the clean and eco friendly ones.
''Blue Flag Beaches, Chalkidiki Greece''